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ICM6701 Water Heater Direct Spark Ignition

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 Product Description

With a heat call from the thermostat; the ICM6701 will begin a 15 second on delay, after the delay the gas valve and spark ignitor are energized and the control will check for the presence of flame. Once flame is detected the spark ignitor is turned off while the gas valve remains energized. Once the thermostat’s demand for heat ends, the gas valve is immediately de-energized.

If flame is not sensed after 7 seconds, another 15 second on delay will begin followed by a second ignition sequence. If flame has not been established after three trials for ignition, the control will de-energize the gas valve immediately and the control will go into a hard lockout. To reset the hard lockout; power must be removed from the control for at least 3 seconds.

Voltage: 12 VDC
Current draw: 100mA maximum
Gas valve: N.O.: 0.5A @ 12 VDC
Trial for ignition: 7 seconds
ON delay: 15 seconds

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