The FAST-STAT Model 5000 provides 6-wire control over 2-wire cable or 8-wire control over a 4-wire cable. With a 2-wire cable it can provide "R", "C", "W1","W2", "G" and "Y". With a 4-wire cable it can provide "R", "C", "W1", "W2", "G" ", plus any other two functions such as "H", "D", "W2", "Y2" or "O/B".
Adding air conditioning to a heating system or installation of a 2-stage furnace. Can also be used for heat pumps, 2-stage heating or cooling when an existing 4-wire thermostat cable is present.
Model 5000
How It Works
Output A (GREEN wire) and output B (YELLOW wire) are linked so that when output B is on it will also switch on output A. For typical installations output A (GREEN wire) is used for “G” and output B (YELLOW wire) is used for “Y” so does not create any problems as the fan will be on with the when the air conditioner is running.
Output C (WHITE wire) and output D (BLUE wire) are linked so that when output D is on it will also switch on output C. For typical installations output C (WHITE wire) is used for “W1” and output D (BLUE wire) is used for “W2” so does not create any problems as heat stage-1 will be on when heat stage-2 is on.
When output C or output D is on, outputs A and B will shut off. If the fan is in “manual on” mode it will shut off the fan while the heat exchanger warms up and the furnace fan control/limit then switches on the fan. When the thermostat is in “fan manual on” mode, at the end of a heating cycle, the fan will continue to operate.
Application Examples
Adding Air Conditioning
A 2-wire thermostat cable can be converted to provide R, C, G, Y, W1 & W2 using the Model 5000.
Wi-Fi Thermostats
The Model 5000 can be used to add a common or “C” connection at the thermostat. Many Wi-Fi thermostats have a self-configure option in which the thermostat automatically detects the wires connected to it in order to make easier for homeowners to install the thermostat. When using the Model 5000, do a “Reset” then select “Pro Setup” to manually configure the thermostat. There are diodes in the Model 5000 sender that often prevents the thermostat from properly autoconfiguring itself.
Adding an Extra Functions
The Model 5000 can be used to add W2, Y2, G, etc to a thermostat cable. For example the existing “W” wire can become W1, W2, G & Y.
Cable Repairs
If a wire in a cable is broken (open circuit) or shorted to another wire or to ground, the Model 5000 can often be used to replace up to five damaged wires.